Are you looking for a hassle-free way to boost your email marketing? Our system is so quick and easy, you can get it rolling in the time it takes to enjoy a coffee.
We know that time and resource management is an essential component in online marketing. We're here to help!
We eliminate frustration by keeping navigation super simple.
From our FREE membership where you can earn credits toward your marketing campaigns, to our LEADER upgrade which requires the bare minimum for intensive marketing, and two memberships inbetween. Big or small, we have you covered.
Set up your email campaign in your own time and we'll send it out at a time designated by you. Another way that we put the power in your hands.
Access and use your account, even if you are "out of office".
Traffic and Likes has plans, from free to paid, that scale with your needs. Subscribe to a plan that fits the size of your business.
If you want to receive monthly updates from us just pop your email in the box. You can unsubscribe at any time. Your privacy & personal information will be treated.
Our team formed by Noman and Serafin, work day by day so that all our users are happy with our Viral mail system.